Do You Know Your Money Script ?

12 / Jun AUTHOR NAME: Stuart Campbell 0 COMMENTS

Do You Know Your Money Script?

Money Scripts are internalized assumptions or rules that are often rooted in our childhood and ultimately shape our financial health.

Uncovering your money script and knowing yourself better is the best starting point for making changes and improving your financial health.  

Which of these statements apply to you?

I must not spend money on things I can do without.

Money will take care of itself.

Money should not be discussed.

My parents/partner will always take care of my financial needs.

Success means never lowering your income or standard of living.

Money brings problems.

I’m a financial screw-up.

If people need something form me, it is selfish and mean to withhold it.

More money equals more happiness and security.

I must always ‘look the part’.

Our family has a special responsibility to the world.

The problem with money scripts is not that they are inherently wrong, or bad, or misguided: the problem is that they are rigid and indiscriminately applied. Without understanding the particular scripts that inform your money choices, you will never be able to pinpoint the beliefs that are holding you back from your goals. Take the time to think about your most deeply held money beliefs and figure out if they are helping or hurting your financial future.


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